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Chat-bots Are Changing the Game

By now you’re probably used to seeing chat-bots on several of your most visited websites. From your favorite online retailer to the bank you do business with, chat-bots are taking over the majority of client communications. So, why not the salon industry? Have...

Spread Some Love with a Client Appreciation Party

Hello again! As you guys know, this month we’re all about events here at Meet Your Stylist. Last week we chatted about creating some competition by hosting a Cut-A-Thon and this week we’re back with another favorite in-salon event–are you ready? Have you been...

Create Some Competition and Host a Cut-A-Thon

Happy August!  Can you believe that summer is almost over? You know what that means… Back-to-school cuts and colors galore! Does your salon have any special events planned for the back-to-school season? What other kinds of events do you host at your salon? This...

Marketing Myth #5: Sales Is a Dirty Word

Welcome back!  We’re onto our fifth and final marketing myth. How many of you feel like “sales” is a dirty word? We’re here to convince you otherwise, but before we begin, let’s do a brief recap of this month-long series. We’ve covered everything from the myth that...