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Home   »   Recruiting and Hiring for Salon Owners: Part 1 – Website

One of the biggest challenges as a salon owner, or as an employer in general, is the act of recruiting and hiring new talent. Who you hire to work for your salon is extremely important. Your stylists are your product, so it’s crucial to hire talented staff. At the same time, your “product” is a real person with real needs. Not only do you want to hire a talented stylist, you want to make sure the stylist fits in with your salon’s culture.

Why is this important? Because it takes time and money to recruit and onboard new staff. Turnover is expensive, especially in the beauty industry. When you go to hire a new staff member, you want to make sure they are going to stick around. So, how do you make sure you are recruiting and hiring the right people? That’s what I’m here to help with! Over the next several weeks, I will be sharing an eight-part series on recruiting and hiring tips and strategies for salon owners. Each week I will bring you a short piece of advice to help build a strong recruiting platform for your salon that will help you find and hire better candidates.

Salon Recruiting Tip: Create a Page on Your Website

Let’s get started! This week we start at the beginning – your salon’s website. My first piece of advice is that you should always be in hiring mode, even if you have no open positions. At some point you will have a stylist or front desk team member leave and it’s easier to pull from a pool of applicants instead frantically searching for new hires.

A great way to be proactive (instead of reactive) is to have a dedicated page on your website for recruitment. This page should include useful information about the salon, the culture, the benefits, etc., that potential employees would be interested in knowing. The copy on this page should be tailored to new staff. Use this as a space to share what your salon is all about and help potential employees get a true sense of what it would be like to work for your salon. The goal is to get people excited and interested enough to reach out for more information.

Which brings me to my second piece of advice. Allow people to apply for your salon on your website. This offers the path of least resistance and allows you to be able to speed up the hiring process by creating a pool of candidates to dip into when it’s time to hire.

If you are interested in seeing an example of a recruiting page on a salon website, reach out to us at with the subject line: Recruiting and Hiring for Salon Owners + Website Example.

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