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Home   »   Recruiting and Hiring for Salon Owners: Part 5 – Phone Interview

If you are a salon owner or manager, you know the struggle that is hiring talented stylists and staff members. To help ease that struggle, I’ve been sharing my favorite tips and strategies for recruiting and hiring for salon owners over the last few weeks in an eight-part series.

In the first part of this series, we focused on the recruitment side of the hiring process and shared strategies to help build a recruitment platform. If you haven’t had a chance to read those blogs, or need a refresher, here’s a quick recap of the first three parts.

  1. Build a recruitment page on your salon’s website
  2. Schedule regular visits to beauty schools in your market
  3. Create a recruitment advertising campaign

Last week we shifted the focus of the series and now we will be sharing tips and strategies for the actual hiring process. We began with one of my personal favorite steps in the hiring process that I use at my salon – sending the DISC test! If you aren’t familiar with the DISC test, or missed the blog from last week, make sure to check it out here.

Salon Hiring Tip: Schedule a Phone Interview

Alright, now on to today’s topic – the phone interview. Once you’ve sent out the DISC test and reviewed the applicant’s resume and application, and you think they are a good fit, it’s time to set up a phone interview.

I personally like to schedule a phone interview before I bring in a candidate to the salon. This interview is usually no more than a half hour and consists of a series of questions that help determine if this candidate is the right fit for our culture.  As salon owners, it’s so important that we keep and protect the salon culture. The phone interview is another step, like the DISC test I mentioned last week, that will help weed out poor candidates before you get too far along the path. It’s better to take time upfront in the hiring process before you truly invest time onboarding and training that new hire, only to find out six months later they aren’t a good fit.

The lesson today is to add that extra phone interview into your hiring process. It will help you get to know your candidates and help you decide if they are a good fit.

If you are interested in seeing examples of the questions I use in my phone interviews, reach out to us at with the subject line: Recruiting and Hiring for Salon Owners + Phone Interview Questions.

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