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Hello again! We’re back with part three of our monthly series on personalizing the salon experience.

I’ve already touched on the digital side of things, with tips for creating unique stylist bios and a customized “Welcome” video that would live on the homepage of your salon website, and now it’s time to talk about in-person interactions.

Tip #3: Get Personal With Your People

There are so many benefits to creating a more personal digital experience because that’s how you bring in those new clients. But at the end of the day, nothing beats the face-to-face time we have with our people, so let’s make the most of it!

In the beauty industry, we have the upper-hand because we’re able to spend anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours with our guests each and every time they visit. If you’re behind the chair, you know how quickly that relationship can bloom, but it takes the whole team to really personalize the in-person salon experience.

A lot of these tips and tricks are going to be for your front desk team, or as I like to refer to them, your FIT crew or your first impressions team. Which makes sense, right? Because aside time spent in the chair with their usual stylist, your FIT crew is who your clients will be interacting with the most.

There are three occasions in which your clients will likely be engaging with your FIT crew, which means you have three additional opportunities to get personal with your people!

Be Overly-Friendly On The Phone

Your front desk team in charge of answering the phones and calling clients, so they need to be equipped with all of the tools necessary to make each phone call pleasant, productive and personal!

Did you know that ninety-seven percent of human communication is non-verbal? Crazy, right! This means that those over-the-phone client conversations require a little bit of legwork, because we aren’t afforded those additional non-verbal cues.

One of the best ways to make your phone calls feel more personal is to always use the client’s first name. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but repeating your client’s name back to them before hanging up adds that small personal touch—a little goes a long way!

Give Your People a Warm Welcome

The greeting is perhaps the most crucial part of every appointment, because it sets the tone for the rest of the client’s time in the chair, so lay on the charm!

The front desk team has an awesome opportunity to get personal with each client during their check-in period. You know they’re coming, they’re on the schedule, so welcome them in using their first names!

Offer to hang their jackets or set their purses aside, bring them a beverage and shop around with them a little. You could even have their favorite products ready to encourage them to purchase their re-fills on the spot!

Get Cheeky During Check-Out

Finally, many of your clients head up to the front desk to check out, so end the experience on a high note!

Whether it’s a life-long client or a first-time guest, your front desk team should always be asking them about their experience after the appointment. This lets your clients know you care, and it gives them the opportunity to voice their concerns should they have any. And hey, it never hurts to complement their hair!

Additionally, this is the best time to prompt each client to book out their next appointments, or make appointments for their family if they need to. So, remember their kids’ names, or the vacation they’re going on in four weeks so that you can ask about those things on their way out.

If you’d like to learn more about how to personalize the in-person experience reach out to us at with the subject line: I Wanna Get Personal with My People!

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