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Home   »   The Importance of Networking: You Never Know Who You Will Meet

If you follow me on social media, my podcast or read my blogs, you know that I’m a big advocate for networking. Networking can provide you (and your business) with endless amounts of opportunity, the problem is so many people avoid it! I’m an extrovert, so networking can come easier to me than most, but it doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with it. I always remind myself of everything that has happened to me so far because of networking, whether that’s learning new things or meeting great people, good things come from networking! So today, I wanted to share a quick and easy tip to help you tap into the power of your own personal network.

When we think of traditional networking, we think of those after-work happy hours, with name tags and face-to-face conversations. While I will still vouch for this approach, the digital world we live in offers many more ways to grow your network. Social media, podcasts and emails have made it easy to connect with so many people you may never have crossed paths with in person. It’s important to take advantage of these technologies! They can help you connect with people and influencers that could help your business or professional career.

So how do you meet these people using digital tactics? Just ask a friend (or colleague) for an introduction. It’s that easy. You never know who your friends (or colleagues) know! Here’s an example. I recently interviewed Sam Villa, Redken Global Artistic Ambassador and co-founder of Sam Villa, on my Beyond The Technique podcast (side note: if you haven’t listened to this episode yet, you should click here to listen). After the interview, I asked Sam if he had any suggestions for other guests I should have on the show. Well, he then gave me an email introduction to Michael Cole of Summit Salon Business Center and I was able to book Summit Salon Business Center for a different podcast episode! I ended up learning so much from both of these connections, and it all happened because I simply asked!

I could give you several examples like this, but you get the point. My advice for today is to make a list of people who are already in your network and start asking them if there is anyone they know that would be a good connection for you to make. This could be someone who could help you find a business coach, or maybe provide recommendations for educational classes, whatever connections you are interested in to help you grow professionally! Use the old school word-of-mouth approach with updated technology platforms to help you network and make connections that can add value to your life!

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