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How to Build Salon Partnerships

*This is a guest post from Beyond The TechniqueWhat are partnerships? They’re a strategy for working with businesses that are industry friendly and like-minded. In my experience, people love to connect with others. For example, a friend might email me asking if I know...

How to Become a Rock Star in Salon Retail

*This is a guest post from Beyond The Technique. Retail is a fundamental part to a successful salon business. Unfortunately, it seems to be the least favorite part of the industry to many beauty professionals. But fear retail no more! Today we are bringing you great...

How to Fire a Client

*This is a guest post from Beyond The Technique. This topic is a bit touchy. Many of us may have fired clients before, or have always wanted to, but struggle with having that uncomfortable conversation and don’t know how to begin or what to say. What Makes a Bad...