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Happy Friday!

We’re back this week with the final piece of our four-part series on verbiage. I started this series by discussing what your verbiage says about you, and from there we broke it down by each platform to make sure that you’re saying all of the right things in order to nail the sale, whether that be on your website or in ads on social media.

I want to end this series by talking about face-to-face communication—because the time spent with our clients in the chair is at the center of everything we do.

TIP #4: Don’t Forget About Face-to-Face Communication

Regardless of which platforms your clients use to interact with your brand outside of their time in your salon, they’re all coming in for your services at some point, right?

A client’s time in the chair is absolutely invaluable, it’s your chance to make the biggest impression, so don’t let it go to waste. In fact, the way you communicate with your clients will play into how they view your brand and ultimately, how much you’re able to upsell them.

Have you heard of Red Light and Green Light phrases? Well, you’re in luck, because we’re going to break down all of the verbiage you should avoid when chatting with your clients and the “safe” words that you can use instead.

Red Light phrases are those phrases you should avoid at all costs, which include things like:

  • I don’t know
  • Unfortunately
  • Can’t or Won’t
  • Cost

Although you’ll probably run into conversations with clients down the line that prompt you to say one or more of these words or phrases, I want to push you to take a moment and think about how you could spin these into something positive.

Green Light phrases you can use instead:

  • I’ll find out or I’ll look into that for you
  • Fortunately, or Even better
  • Can or Will
  • Investment

Simply switching your verbiage can keep you from entering into a contentious conversation with a client and it helps guide you both toward that win-win situation. We know it exists, we just have to find it.

We’re big on verbiage at here Meet Your Stylist, and we want to share the words that work with you and your team! Become a Meet Your Stylist salon today and we’ll help you say all of the right things to get the sale.

For more salon marketing tips, sign up for our emails and don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube!

If you are interested in learning more about Meet Your Stylist, you can sign up for free demo here.