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If you’re not already on the Nextdoor neighborhood app, now is the time to join!


What it is

Nextdoor is a platform where you can chat with your neighbors from your specific neighborhood. Let’s say you live in the Westbrook Oaks neighborhood. You’d join Nextdoor and be able to see what is happening in your backyard.

What people post about

There’s a Fox to keep a look out for.
Does anyone have a lawn mowing company they could recommend?
Who knows where we’re suppose to vote?

Why Your Salon Should Join!

Once you are personally in the Nextdoor app, you can claim your business. So even though my salon isn’t located in my actual neighborhood, I claim my company and am able to GEO target future-guests who live in neighborhoods within a 3 mile radius of my salon. Awesome!


Many guests aren’t traveling into the city for work because they now work from home. Are you noticing this too? That’s why we want to start communicating with people working from home near our salon!  Maybe they were going to a salon near their work and now they’d love to visit your salon because it’s much closer. This app gives us the opportunity to do this!

What else we learned!

We learned that we have an amazing reputation, and it was incredible to see which neighborhoods we’re MOST popular in. Now we can run Facebook ads targeting those specific areas. Incredible insight!

Marketing Meet Your Stylist

What better way to utilize Meet Your Stylist than to generate posts and ads for the Nextdoor platform that drives neighbors to connect with stylists at your salon! Don’t forget! This is their number-one pain point. They don’t have a stylist! You have stylists and the right stylists for them.

Here’s a couple post/ad examples!


If adding one more marketing task is overwhelming to you, we can help!
Our team is here to assist you in all-things marketing.

Email us to begin a conversation about the many ways we can support your marketing department.