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Home   »   There’s Power in Going Paperless

Take a moment to think about all of the paper products you use in just one day at the salon. 

You might start the morning by printing schedules for your stylists as well as a handful of consultation forms for first-time guests. Then, you prepare a pot of coffee that will be delivered in paper to-go cups to your early birds. 

As the day comes to a close you’ll have printed countless appointment reminders and receipts that are simply going to be tossed as soon as your clients walk out the door. That is SO much paper!

Whether you’re motivated by the promise of lower overhead or you’re inspired by the notion of going green, going paperless could be the next big thing for your salon, here’s why.

Going Green Is Good for Business

Going paperless is better for the planet and ultimately better for business. Not only will your efforts make an enormous impact on the environment, your clients and community will also recognize your commitment to the cause.

As today’s consumers become more sensitive to sustainability efforts, our clients are quick to align themselves to brands that are changing their ways. It’s a total win-win.

Save Big Bucks with a Paperless Business Model

Not to mention, you’ll also see some serious savings stem from your sustainability efforts. In making the switch, you’ll save on costs associated with printers, paper and to-go cups from your bottom line.

Three Changes You Can Make Today

Switch to Digital Receipts

Let your clients know that going forward you’ll only be offering digital receipts. In order to do this, you’ll have to acquire a list of all of your client’s email addresses.

The good news? Your guests will eagerly hand over their information because they know they’ll be making a difference.

Even better? You’ll be able to plug that list into any and all of your marketing efforts, helping you raise your client retention rates!

Keep Your Consultation Form Online

In a similar fashion, you can skip the printing process by creating a digital consultation form for your first-time clients. When newcomers visit your salon for the first time, have them pull up the consultation form on their phones or provide them with iPads to make the process even easier.

This way, you’ll be able to capture their information, upload their hair history to their client profiles and plug them right into the ads and promotions you’re currently running.

Invest in Reusable Drink Ware

The initial investment might set you back a bit, but you can find relatively cheap, sustainable drink ware just about anywhere and it won’t take long before you break even.

Sure, you’ll have to do a few more dishes at the end of the night, but the savings are totally worth it and your people and the planet will thank you.

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