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Home   »   Chat-bots Are Changing the Game

By now you’re probably used to seeing chat-bots on several of your most visited websites.

From your favorite online retailer to the bank you do business with, chat-bots are taking over the majority of client communications. So, why not the salon industry?

Have you ever heard the saying, “work smarter, not harder”? Well, we can all admit that in the beauty industry, we have a habit of over complicating things for ourselves.

Our booking processes are often dysfunctional at best and we are always getting caught juggling our conversations with clients across several platforms, whether that be phone, email, direct messaging or some combination of the three.

So maybe, just maybe these chat-bots and promises of automation are the answer to our prayers. Through a few simple flows these bots can capture leads, direct clients and answer any FAQs that your website visitors might have while browsing.

Save Time With Automated Conversations

Just think of the talk-time you could save by having chat-bots handle the majority of your client communications.

Your guest service team could spend more time with the guests who are actually in your salon getting services done versus the time spent answering your constant stream of incoming calls.

Keep It Simple With A Speedy Booking Process

Chat-bots could also allow us to pick up the pace when it comes to online-booking by guiding clients through the process step by step.

Not only would this be a huge time-saver on our end, but these bots would also improve the level of accuracy in online booking–because let’s face it–our clients don’t exactly know what they’re doing. 

This way, we could still offer the convenience of online-booking but with a full-proof way to ensure appointment accuracy. I’d call that a win-win!

Your Chat-bots Could Even Help You Capture Leads

For example, say you have a client who stumbled upon your site after a quick Google search for salons in the area. They’re interested in scheduling an appointment with you but they’re not sure who to see.

With a couple of automated flows, your chat-bot could direct your potential client to your salon’s Meet Your Stylist survey, introducing them to their salon soulmate!

Once that survey submission comes through your salon team can take charge and close that sale. Talk about a guided purchasing process!

So yes, automation certainly can seem scary at first, but at the end of the day, this is the future. If you’re not with it, you’re getting left behind. It’s time to get on board with chat-bots!

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