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Home   »   Here’s Why You Should Ultimately Be Competing Against Yourself

Sure, you might be competing with the other salons and spas in your area for clientele, and maybe you’re competing with some of the best salons in other cities in terms of growth and recognition, but at the end of the day, you are your own best competition.

So, how can you compete with yourself in order to be constantly improving? It’s actually quite simple. Always strive to be better than your best.

How to Compete With Yourself In a Healthy Way

Crunch Some Numbers

If you want to continue to grow your thriving salon business, you should always be setting your goals that much higher.

Pull those retail sales numbers from previous years and compare them to how much you’ve sold so far this year.

See how many clients came in on this very day last year and see if you can squeeze in a few more before the day’s end.

Look at last month’s revenue and set your next goal that much higher.

Increase Brand Awareness

Shine a light on your salon business by increasing brand awareness in the following ways.

Did your salon win the “Best Of” category in your city last year? Well, you can’t let that title go now that you’ve earned it! Enter every year and put in the legwork necessary to make sure that it stays that way!

How about the Salon Today Top 200 Awards? Did your salon receive honorable mention for any of the categories you were competing in? Awesome! Try to land one more category this year than you did before!

Does your salon donate to a local charity every year? Turn that into a fun competition and aim to outdo yourselves by earning even more for your special cause than you have in previous years.

Always Work to Improve Your Salon Environment

One of the best ways to compete with yourself is to make consistent improvements to your salon environment that benefit everybody, from your front desk team to your most loyal clients.

Become an even better place to work by setting a goal to offer PTO or health insurance for your full time employees.

Elevate the in-salon experience for guests by adding new drinks to your menu or incorporating a complimentary oil massage at every visit.

There are no glass ceilings in this industry. You can always outdo yourself, so what are you waiting for?

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