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Home   »   Marketing Myth #4: Email Marketing Is Spam

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Are you ready to dive into our fourth marketing myth? Today we’re going to uncover the truth behind the myth that all email marketing is spam

Over the last few weeks we’ve discussed the myth that you need to be putting out paid ads, we disproved the idea that discounts bring in more business, and we contested the notion that clients only care about the price point.

Now, we’re onto our next major marketing myth so that you can feel better about sending out those email blasts. 

Marketing Myth #4: Email Marketing Is Spam

Do you second guess yourself before sending out marketing emails? So many of our salon owners have been told that email marketing is not the move because it’s going to be perceived as spam. 

The truth? Email marketing campaigns can actually be incredibly effective because they feel that much more personal. The key to making sure they don’t feel spammy? Adding value. 

Instead of pushing products on your clients, send out some information about your upcoming liter sale. 

Instead of simply encouraging parents to get their kids in for cuts before summer ends, share the details of your upcoming back-to-school special.

Do you have a VIP program? Make sure that you’re emailing your clients every month to remind them about the next VIP deal or discount!

Quick Tip: Don’t just include VIP members in these email blasts, send them out to everybody on your email list! You might just get a few new VIP members signing up to receive your exclusive monthly deals!

The more value added, the more subscribers you’ll receive, and nothing you send out will be perceived as spam–because it isn’t!

Use Meet Your Stylist in Your Email Marketing

We know a thing or two about email marketing at Meet Your Stylist, which is in part why we developed this incredible client conversion tool! 

Do you want to make sure that your clients are absolutely loving the stylist they’re with? Send out a quick email blast with a link to your Meet Your Stylist survey and encourage them to take it and see who their top matches are. If they get matched with their usual stylist, hooray! If they get new matches, reach out and see if they’d be interested in setting up an appointment with someone new.

Do you have a stylist going on parental leave soon? Draft up an email to send out to all of their usual clients, share the details of their absence and include a link to your survey as an opportunity to get matched with another stylist on your team while they’re away.

Have any clients you haven’t seen in a while? Include Meet Your Stylist in your drive back campaigns and offer to get them fit with a new stylist on your salon team.

The possibilities are endless, but the value is always there!

For more salon marketing tips, sign up for our emails  (we promise, they’re valuable!) and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to get a taste for our marketing strategies!

If you are interested in learning more about Meet Your Stylist, you can sign up for free demo here.