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We’re onto part two of our monthly mini-series on keeping clients, in which we’re focusing in on our favorite tips and tricks for raising retention rates. We kicked off the conversation last week by suggesting that you send out “We Miss You” emails to the clients you haven’t seen in a while.

This week, we want to focus on the regulars, because they’re some of our most valuable clients and we can’t forget to love on them. One of the best ways to keep your clients coming back is to make sure that every visit feels like their first visit to your salon.

Tip #2: Keep It Consistent

If a client is scheduling a second, third, or fourth appointment with you, you likely won them over during that first visit—Hooray! Right?

Of course! Whether it was the glass of wine, the hand massage, or the exceptional haircut that really did them in, you impressed them and that’s a good thing. However, now the expectations have been set for all future visits—can you live up to them?

The goal is always to create a consistent client experience in which every appointment feels like a client’s first visit to your salon, from when they first step foot into your space until the moment they leave.

First Thing’s First, You’ve Got to Ace the Greeting

You want to be welcoming each client in as they come in. Nothing says “Welcome” quite like a big warm smile and eye contact, even if you’re on the phone or busy checking out another client, make sure to acknowledge the person waiting to check-in.

If it’s a regular, use their first name, and even if it isn’t, if you can guess which client is coming in next, it’s worth a shot! Familiarity is huge in making clients feel like they’re a part of your brand, like they belong.

Do you offer beverages? Make sure that you’re always asking if you can get your clients a drink while they’re waiting and let them know exactly what’s available. This means you should always list your tea options, and ask if they’d like cream with their coffee or ice with their water.

Every Appointment Should Begin With a (Mini) Consultation

 We’re not suggesting that you need to schedule out an extra fifteen minutes prior to each appointment to sit down with your clients and chat about their hair, but every appointment should start with a conversation.

Sit your clients down and ask about their hair: What are they loving? What don’t they like? Are they considering switching anything up?

It’s so important to check in with your clients in order to make sure that you’re both on the same page before you begin cutting and coloring. A mini consultation lets the client know that their opinions come first and it keeps the two of you from falling into a routine or getting bored. Besides, how else are you going to know if a client wants to switch things up unless you ask?

Finally, Remember to Follow-Up

The best way to make a client feel truly valued is to let them know you’re thinking about them outside of their time in the chair. Yes, I’m talking about follow-ups!

Of course, we should always be doing mini follow-ups at the end of each and every appointment, like when the stylist asks, “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” Or when the front desk team inquires, “How was everything today?” to make sure the client enjoyed their experience through and through.

But, it’s also incredibly impactful to check in on your clients a few days after their appointments to see how things are holding up at home. This could be something the stylists do individually for their own clients, or this could be a bit more formal, like sending out a follow-up email that comes directly from the salon.

Not only does this make the client feel appreciated, but it also creates an opportunity to sell product to clients who admit to struggling to re-create the look at home. If you continue the conversation outside of a client’s time in the salon, it’s no longer just the “salon” experience that you’re elevating.

By keeping the client experience consistent, you’re letting every client know that they’re truly valued, whether it’s their first visit or their fiftieth!

We’re big on booking and retaining clients here at Meet Your Stylist, which is why we created this amazing marketing tool, and more importantly, why we decided to share it with all of you!

For more salon marketing tips, sign up for our emails and don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube!

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