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We’re back again this week with part three of our monthly mini-series in which we’re all about verbiage. I started our series by discussing what your verbiage says about you, or more specifically, your business.

Now, we’re breaking it down by platform—because whether we’re talking about your website, your social media pages, or face-to-face communication—each channel has its own strengths and weaknesses. Last week I covered the proper wording for your website and this week we’re diving into the best verbiage for online ads and social media posts.

Tip #3: Use Special Verbiage for Ads and Social Media

Whether you’re putting out paid ads or organic posts, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have really opened the world up for us salon owners. We can communicate across these platforms to reach and engage with hundreds, if not thousands, more potential clients than before—pretty cool, right?

Of course, this means our ‘competition’ has only grown. Note that I use that word lightly, because in the beauty industry we’re all in this together. That being said, we’re also competing with all of the other noise out there on these social media platforms, but I digress.

The point is, although we have access to fresh clientele like never before, it’s still incredibly hard to snag their attention. This is where our special, catchy, call-to-action verbiage comes into play, and I’ll break it down for you, platform to platform.

Beat the Instagram Algorithm

If you’re salon or spa business isn’t on Instagram you’re already behind. This social media tool has grown exponentially over the last few years and it’s the perfect platform for promoting salon and spa services because it’s all about pictures.

Instagram does allow paid ads, which can sometimes be a great way to beat the algorithm, especially when you’re just starting out, but the beauty of Instagram is the reach you can have with only organic posts. If you play your cards right, hashtags and all, Instagram will pick up what you’re putting down and people will see your content.

The trick with Instagram is the more engagement the better. The more you’re able to coax a consistent like and comment out of your followers, the more you’re going to show up on their feed. This is why call-to-action posts are so popular these days. If you want to up your salon’s social engagement, consider creating a giveaway or a special promotion that you post about. Request that your followers “like the and tag two friends in the comments below” to enter and you’ll have tripled your engagement just like that. This will in turn help others find your brand, and eventually you’ll be popping up on every trendy, twenty-something’s explorer page.

Engage Your Friendly Facebook User

Our trusty friend, Facebook, is a whole other ball game. It’s great to gain a following on your business page, but the reach is only so far. Because Facebook is still such a great platform to interact with your potential clientele, this is a great platform upon which to consider paid promotions.

Grab that list of potential leads and plug in those emails, but before your put out that paid blast, make sure that you’re offering something of value. A paid promotion comes at no small fee, and depending on the reach you’re looking to have it can get expensive quite quickly. So, make it worth your money with special verbiage that encourages continuous engagement.

Again, this is where calls-to-action come in, because at the end of the day, while a follow is nice, we want the sale. Prompt your clients to click through to your website and check out your team’s work or encourage them to sign-up for your email list and receive a special add-on service. There are so many unique ways to get potential clients to carry on the communication with your brand.

Meet Your Stylist Ups the Engagement Across All Platforms

If you’re looking for the perfect call-to-action to use in paid ads and organic posts, Meet Your Stylist takes the cake across all platforms! People love taking fun little quizzes about themselves—I mean, why do you think BuzzFeed is so popular?

Whether you’re putting out a paid Facebook ad or an organic Instagram post, Meet Your Stylist is the perfect call-to-action to prompt for those additional click-throughs. Not to mention—you’re able to capture each potential client’s information—say hello to your hottest lead!

We’re big on verbiage at here Meet Your Stylist, and we want to share the words that work with you and your team! Become a Meet Your Stylist salon today and we’ll help you say all of the right things to get the sale.

For more salon marketing tips, sign up for our emails and don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube!

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