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Home   »   What Your Verbiage Says About You

You have probably heard the phrase, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Well, as business owners and industry professionals, we all know this to be true! So, this month I want to focus in on my favorite tips and tricks for nailing your verbiage every time.

We communicate with our clients across many different platforms. This means we should be making a conscious effort to think before we speak whether that be in-person, over the phone, or even while communicating with clients online via email or social media.

Your verbiage quite literally speaks to your brand—so, what do you want it to say?

Tip #1: Think Before You Speak – Be Aware of What Your Verbiage Says About You

Ultimately, the goal is to have our verbiage reflect our brand, our business values and our mission statement, regardless of the platform we’re communicating on. The best way to accomplish this is to keep our words consistent.

Today, many of our clients interact with us on many, if not all, of the platforms that we have a presence on. So, consistency is key in creating a clear and succinct message across all of these mediums.

I encourage you to think about everything from the copy on your website, to the caption of your latest Instagram post, even the language your front desk team uses when answering the phone. If your mission statement involves inspiring and empowering your clients, you should infuse everything written and spoken under your business name with that same energy.

If your values are based around building relationships with your clients, show them, by sending out “thank you’s” for referrals and birthday cards on their special day. If your team values expanding on their knowledge and skill via education, demonstrate your salon’s passion for improvement by highlighting your stylist’s achievements on social and blogging about all of your education updates.

You want to create a well-rounded experience for everyone who engages with your brand regardless of the platform they’re using in the moment. Your verbiage speaks to your business—so, tell it like it is.

P.S. We know all about verbiage at Meet Your Stylist! The phrase, “Meet Your Stylist” is in itself a call-to-action, and if you sign up to be a Meet Your Stylist salon we’ll give you all of the words you need to get the reach and engagement that you deserve!

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