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Welcome back to our four-part series on tips for your salon website. During the month of February, I’ll be sharing some of my best website-building secrets.

Last week, in part one of our mini-series, I discussed the importance of providing your clients with the path of least resistance when it comes to booking. Your potential clients are almost always going to peruse your website before their first visit. So, you should be providing ample opportunities to book no matter where your clients are on your site.

Tip #2: Let Your Testimonials Do the Talking

Creating the path of least resistance for your clients is incredibly important because at the end of the day, the goal is to get potential clients to book appointments with you and the process should be painless. But before your potential clients start searching for ways to schedule their next appointment with you, you have to sell them on your salon!

The beauty industry is incredibly competitive. No matter where you’re located, there is likely no shortage of salons to choose from in your area. Additionally, a lot goes into the decision-making process for our clients when it comes to selecting a salon or a stylist to service their haircare needs. In fact, the most reliable marketing for salons doesn’t come from the salons themselves. Instead, it comes from the clients.

Potential clients often rely heavily on the reviews written about a specific salon or stylist when deciding whether or not to get on their schedule. Reviews are powerful because they’re so reliable. They’re written by clients for clients—people love to hear feedback from people just like them.

So, why not incorporate those reviews in your own salon website instead of waiting for your clients to stumble across them online? You can steal some of your favorite reviews straight from Google or Yelp and post them right on your salon’s homepage.

Quick Tip: If you can, include photos! The most useful reviews are the ones that depict the results. In order to encourage your favorite clients to leave you positive reviews, you could photograph them yourself while you have them in the salon. You could even offer rewards points or a complimentary service as an additional incentive, it’s all about adding value!

Your testimonials will speak for themselves—this is the kind of marketing money can’t buy!

If you’re interested in seeing an example of how to incorporate testimonials in your site, reach out to us at with the subject line: Let Your Testimonials Do the Talking.

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