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Home   »   Meet Your Stylist Marketing Tip: Emails to Non-Converted Leads

One of the best aspects about Meet Your Stylist is the ability to collect emails. By collecting emails, you have a new marketing medium to connect with new and potential salon clients. The question is, are you using those emails to their full potential?

Today I want to discuss using email marketing towards your non-converted Meet Your Stylist leads. First, to recap, a lead is a potential customer. Someone who is interested in doing business with you or purchasing a product – or booking an appointment! When a person fills out a Meet Your Stylist survey, they become a lead.

Now, sometimes a person will fill out a survey and book right away, which is awesome! But other times, a person fills out the survey but isn’t ready to book. We refer to these people as warm leads – they’ve expressed interest in your business, they’ve completed a micro-conversion, and have moved down the path to converting into a salon client. But they aren’t quite there yet.

It’s important to not ignore these people! It’s good business practice to have marketing campaigns set up to nurture those warm leads into salon clients. One great, and easy, way to do this is with email marketing!

At my salon, Be Inspired Salon, we send out a monthly email to all of our new survey submissions who have NOT booked an appointment. And at the end of the year, if they still haven’t booked, we send out another email to every survey submission yet to become a salon client.

Why do we do this?

First, these leads have interacted with our brand, which means they are interested in our salon. We want to start to build a relationship with them, so we are top of mind when they decide they need a hair appointment.

What do we include in the email?

I always like to start out with a catchy subject line to encourage and boost open rates. For example, I like to use the subject lines, “Are you ready to book your first appointment?” or “Your first appointment at our salon.”

Then in the body of the email, we remind them of the survey they took. And most importantly, we remind them of why they took the survey – to get matched with the best stylist for their hair needs, AND a stylist who will click with their personality.

After that, we encourage them to book. We make it easy to book by including a link to our online booking service and our phone number. We also include the Meet Your Stylist link again, in case they would like to retake it. In addition to that information, we always like to include links to our social pages so that they can easily follow us and view our work. And we like to show off some of our recent accolades, to prove we are professionals worth checking out.

Check out an email example to warm leads below:

Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 12.42.08 PM

The lesson here is that it’s really important to stay in front of your warm leads. Not everyone is ready to buy right away, and by building a relationship early on, you can help potential salon clients feel more comfortable booking an appointment.

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