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Grow your Salon by matching clients to your stylists

Book more appointments and retain more clients by accurately matching clients with stylists the first time. The ultimate salon marketing system.



Our Application Benefits

Stylist Quiz

Match up clients with stylists the first time by learning about your clients personality, style and expectations. Eliminate the fear that first-time guests have in meeting a new stylist.

Gain More Clients

The Meet Your Stylist quiz tool will help you capture up to 500% more leads from your website. Turn more visitors into clients. The best way to increase your leads and learn about your clients.

Calculator Icon

Pays For Itself

The system pays for itself by generating more clients and boosting retention. Simply embed a call-to-action (CTA) on any page redirecting them to the quiz survey and booking app.


About Us

We are leading SaaS software providers in the industry

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Services From 2005


Most secured product


500+ Employees


1500 Clients Served


Reliable & Fast


Got 300+ Awards

Screen Duo

Best Place to Get All Premium Features Of the Product

Morbi mollis vestibulum sollicitudin. Nunc in eros a justo facilisis rutrum. Aenean id ullamcorper libero. Vestibulum imperdiet nibh vel magna lacinia ultrices. commodo tristique. Duis lacus urna, condimentum


Cloud Compatibility


Flexi Payment


24 x 7 Support


Most secured product


Reliable & Fast


Our Product Includes

Detail Reports

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Mobile Friendly

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Cloud Upload

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Point of Sale

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APP Integration

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24/7 Support

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Meet Your Stylist

Explore Our Partner Salons


What We Are Following

Meet Your Stylist Survey Tool

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to sign a contract?

No, you do agree to our terms and conditions upon sign up but this is a month to month agreement. You can cancel at any time but we believe you won’t want to.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel at any time but we believe you won’t want to. We require a 30 day notice prior to cancellation simply because it takes time to completely disable your account.

Why do you require a 30 day notice prior to cancellation if you have a 30 day free trial?

We don’t intend for our complimentary month to be treated as a “free trial”. In fact, we avoid that verbiage on purpose! Instead, view this as your ramp-up period. We want to give you those first 30 days to get set up so that by the time you are paying for our services, you are able to get a return on your investment!
We require a 30 day notice prior to cancellation simply because it takes time to completely disable youraccount.

What kind of data can I get from this? Are there any reports or information I can view?

We’d thought you’d never ask! Absolutely there is. You’re going to be able to see all the clients that fill out your MYS survey along with their:
-Phone Number
-Zip Code
– and which stylist they get matched with.

What Information can my stylist see?
Your stylists will only be able to see their profile and survey. This includes their name & and email address and you also have the option to allow access to any or all of the following:
-Editing their own Bio
-Upload/edit their own photo
-Edit Services they offer
-Edit their own instagram Link.
Note: If you chose to turn any of these OFF for the stylist, you will still have the ability to access/edit those profile features as the account owner.
How do I control who gets matched?

You can control which stylists on your team you’d like to be available for matches in the “manage stylist” section of your account. As far as how they get matched, that’s determined by them completing their survey and our program then does the magic of matching them up to clients survey submissions.

How can I track if a client comes in and converts?

We will teach you how to track your conversions as we provide a Conversion tracking template with the math built in. You may do this on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The only requirement is having a salon POS system where your client data base lives. We’ll show you the rest.

How do you handle booking clients that fill out the survey?

Great question! You will be notified via email when a client fills out your MYS survey (you will also be able to find them in your match results in your account) . Within the notification you will see if they prefer to be contacted via email or via phone. In the starter guide you receive when you join MYS, you will be given exact verbiage for your follow-ups.

How do I integrate the data from MYS with my system to track it?

We will show you how to import your lists and what to do to track new clients that are from your MYS link!
This is also covered in depth on our support page that you can access in your account.

Why would I use Meet Your Stylist rather than do this on my own?

MYS was created with extensive background knowledge of physiology, behavioral economics, and software algorithm development skills. This is NOT just a linear matching survey that can be easily re-created. MYS has been sophisticatedly developed to be smart, effective, and to save time for you and your team.

For more questions, Please contact





Our Testimonials

Meet Your Stylist gives clients a connection  to our brand and to our stylists.  They actually follow through with making an appointment. They don’t just move along to the next bio. It really drives them to follow through with making an appointment with the stylists they’re matched with. Everyone is loving Meet Your Stylist. I would say at the minimum we have two people make MYS survey per HOUR. When we open our email, it’s just full of Meet Your Stylist.  We have all these new people that have taken the survey.

John Carol

Owner, Urban Betty Salon | Austin, TX

“Meet Your Stylist is great! It’s been easy for clients to go online and match with specific stylists for their specific needs. And we’ve had an influx in retention!”

Dani Everson

Owner, Clementine's Salon | Denver, CO

For More Product Details


Our Team

Kati Whitledge

Kati Whitledge


Rosy Peter

Rosy Peter


David John

David John


Lara Peter

Lara Peter
